Our marketing articles are designed to help you make the most from your own practices and ensure a flourishing partnership with us. With nearly 20 years of experience in the consumer matching business, we hope to share our expertise and help you become one of our most successful partners.

There are two ways to approach an affiliate scheme; sit on your laurels and hope everything works itself out, or be proactive and ensure success.

We recommend the latter and the following tips will help you to enjoy a successful partnership with us.

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Promote your passion

It would be pointless to pursue an affiliate marketing scheme on products your website has no relation to, or you don’t have a personal interest in.

Success is likely to be limited and the best way to promote products and services is to write about them; something you’ll struggle to do if you don’t believe in them first.


Research is one of the most important aspects of forming a successful affiliate marketing partnership. To become a prosperous affiliate, more needs to be done than just posting the job leads widget and hoping to see a profitable commission. Researching the home improvement industry and getting yourself accustomed with the latest information is a great way to educate your customers.

Emails are a good way to do this, providing informative content and then offering an opportunity to find out more and receive up to four professional quotes for home improvements.

Start off simple

As the saying goes, don’t run before you can walk. This is the same for affiliates and to get to grips with how the process of an affiliate network would work, utilise a partner who will help you every step of the way.

By joining the established Partnership Scheme, you can receive assistance in updating your site for maximum optimisation, whilst using our tools such as energy calculators and customised widgets for the best success rates.

Optimise your SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is becoming increasingly necessary to help your website catch more visitors month on month. Adding keyword-rich content is one of the best ways to improve your SEO prospects, see your website move higher up in search engines and effectively increase customer interest in home improvements.

To perform successful SEO you could learn the trade yourself, hire an expert to do the job for you, or utilise our Partnership Scheme to get yourself on track.

Engage with your audience

We offer consumers professional quotations in over one hundred categories. If you’re interested in forming a partnership, pick a select few to advertise and earn commission on. Keep them in line with your website and ensure to regularly update the content to keep it fresh and current.

Only you know your audience, their demographic and which products would serve them best around the home. Be proactive, research and guarantee success in affiliate marketing by choosing carefully.

Use professionals in the industry

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Instead of going alone, the best thing to do is use professionals already seeing countrywide success. Not only do these have the experience and knowhow, but they can share their tools and research to help you optimise your website and get the most from your consumers.

This is what we offer, the opportunity to excel in the enquiry generation field and earn a fantastic level of commission. We will help you every step of the way, not just in setting up the service, but ensuring it lasts well for many years to come.